Case & Rules

2025 Case

2025 Rules


Questions and Answers
As competition updates and answers to questions are released, they will be posted on this page. 


ALL questions regarding the CASE and the RULES should adhere to the following guidelines: 

All case and rules questions must be submitted via email to the mock trial coordinator ([email protected]). Only teacher or attorney coaches may submit questions on behalf of a team. The mock trial coordinator will only process written case and rules questions submitted by email and will not accept questions submitted by any other method, including phone, fax or in person.

Times to Submit Questions:
Teams may submit questions from October 1, 2024, until 5:00 p.m. on January 10, 2025. Questions may also be submitted from February 9 through February 20, 2026. This time period is post-Regional competition and pre-Statewide.

Receiving Answers:
Teams will check the website for a running list of answers to all case and rules questions submitted throughout the season.

Final Answers:
The final Q&A list will be posted on the website by February 23, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
The fact that the Mock Trial Committee made a correction or addition to the case materials at any point during the season is not relevant during a trial round. Teams are to assume that the fault for any typographical error or any other correction, addition or clarification to the case materials indicated in the Q&A list posted online lies with the mock trial committee, not with a particular witness. The clean, corrected copy of the materials that will be posted by January 10, 2024, is to be considered the first and only version of these materials submitted by any party in this action when trying this case in a competition round.

If you have a question about the case or the rules, please send your question to [email protected]. The committee will respond to your question as soon as possible.