Mediation services are offered by Alternate Dispute Resolution providers organizations and by individuals. This Directory does not list any ADR providers, and may not list all individuals offering mediation services. The Directory contains information concerning persons offering their services as Mediators who applied for and meet the qualifications for inclusion on the List of Mediators provided for in Section X of the Court-Annexed Mediation Rules for Civil Litigation issued by the Mississippi Supreme Court on October 8, 1998 in In Re: Authorization of Court-Annexed Mediation in Chancery, Circuit and County Courts, No. 89-R-99026 S. Ct., and the Order of March 22, 1999 establishing minimum qualifications for inclusion on the List.
Mississippi has no rule or statute requiring a person to meet minimum standards or otherwise qualify to offer services as a Mediator, other than the standards for inclusion on the List of Mediators prepared in connection with the aforementioned Court-Annexed Mediation Rules for Civil Litigation. That standard is that Mediators on that list shall be limited to members of The Mississippi Bar in good standing who have completed mediation training of at least 14 hours at one training session administered by a training organization approved by the Court-Annexed Mediation Committee. Each person included in this Directory meets that standard.
Section XA of the aforementioned Rules encourages, but does not require, parties ordered to mediation pursuant to those Rules to use Mediators on this list. This list should also be a source for mediator information for those desiring to engage in private mediation. It shall also appear at The Mississippi Bar's web site ( which web site shall include additions of new Mediators and other materials occurring between the annual publication of this Directory.
The Directory does not include all relevant information concerning Mediators. Its purpose is to identify Mediators on the List of Mediators compiled pursuant to the aforementioned Rules, and to furnish certain basic information concerning their qualifications as Mediators.
No rule or statute sets Mediator fees. Fees are established by the Mediator and the parties. Fees vary among Mediators, and change from time to time. The information contained herein does not address fees and expenses. That is a matter to be agreed to with the Mediator.
The information contained herein was submitted by each Mediator and accepted as accurate. Inclusion of a Mediator in this Directory does not constitute a representation as to the qualifications of the Mediator other than the Mediator represents that he or she meets the minimum standards for inclusion on the List of Mediators.
The Mississippi Bar publishes this Directory pursuant to Section XA of the aforementioned Rule as a service to the Bar, the judiciary, court clerks, and court administrators, in The Mississippi Bar's continuing support of the use of mediation.
Supreme Court Order Establishing Qualifications