Well-Being Pledge Legal Employers

The Mississippi Bar recognizes those lawyers, law firms, in-house legal departments, government, and non-profit law offices that have committed to adopt and prioritize the The Mississippi Bar Well-Being Pledge framework. To join this commitment, complete the Pledge below on behalf of your organization.

Note: Individual attorneys and solo practitioners should submit the Pledge for Individual Lawyers and Solo Practitioners found at Link to Individual/solo form.

Select "Yes" for pledge items your organization intends to support or work toward this year. There is no minimum number of pledged items required to receive recognition. Organizations are expected to focus on areas of importance to their lawyers and staff and pledged items will differ from year to year.

Reporting is done by calendar year. Complete the Attestation Form found at Link to Attestation by March 31st of the year following the calendar year of your pledge. Reporting is done on the honor system. Recognition will be provided upon receipt of the Attestation Form.



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Are you submitting this form on behalf of yourself or your organization?