Show Your Support for Kids’ Chance – November 13-17, 2017
Kids’ Chance believes that we can make a significant difference in the lives of all children affected by a workplace injury by helping them pursue and achieve their educational goals. Cumulatively, since their inception in 1988, Kids’ Chance organizations have awarded 5,479 scholarships totaling almost 14 million dollars. In 2015, scholarship applications increased significantly but we know there are more students in need of assistance. Kids’ Chance Awareness Week is designed to increase our visibility through special outreach events in each state that will spread the word about Kids’ Chance scholarship opportunities.
What is Kids' Chance?
Kids' Chance of Mississippi is a scholarship fund established by the Mississippi Bar Foundation under the Workers' Compensation Section of The Mississippi Bar to provide scholarships for children who have had a parent killed or permanently and totally disabled on the job. Kids' Chance of Mississippi provides scholarships for students to attend vocational/technical school or college. The fund brings together all those involved in workers' compensation issues: the legal, medical and business communities.
Support Kids' Chance of Mississippi
As a non-profit organization, your help is critical to our success. Monetary donations from people like you make our work possible. Your contribution will make a difference in the life of a child whose educational opportunities have been dramatically limited because of a serious or fatal work-related injury to a parent or guardian.
By making a generous gift to support this worthwhile organization, you can help a diverse group of students gain access to higher education, economic opportunity and a chance for a better future.
Individual Donations:
Donations can be made by check payable to the Mississippi Bar Foundation and mailed to:
Rene' Garner
The Mississippi Bar
Kids' Chance
P.O. Box 2168
Jackson, MS 39225-2168
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION please contact: [email protected]